With sweaty palms, brow, and upper lip as his little
tell-tale companions, he walked down the hallway with his Valentine’s Day cards
tucked under his sweatshirt. He couldn’t believe this was it—the moment of
truth. He was finally going to confess his true feelings for Betty. Kind,
sweet, funny Betty.
There was no counting how many times he almost backed
out, but he had to do it. He had to take his chance. As he approached locker
134, he took out his letters and was just about to slide them into the crevice
of the locker when he saw a tiny little red head round the corner and stop.
Eyes on him, the world faded away. Betty was there, all eyes on him. There was
nowhere to go.
What an apt description of how terrifying it is to court someone. A relationship with pizza (see "Ode to the Pizza Delivery Man") is far less perilous.