Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Poem for Auschwitz Art, by Maria Rigato

As the famous poet once said:
Man’s inhumanity to man.
That is what we see before us.
What is it that tolerates abuse to another?
Sometimes it is incomprehensible that others can be so cruel.

What is the cause?
What is the why?
Is it because of hate?
Is due to greed or is it just cruelty?
Could any human fall to this level of cruelty?

What makes humans alike forget that we are all responsible for our brother?
Are we not our brother’s keeper?
To treat people so cruelly in a supposed place of peace—a prisoner of war camp,
To minimize and put down another just because they look different

Just because their eyes are brown instead of blue
Just because they speak another language
Just because they believe in a different faith.
This is not right. This is not justice.

Yet, during the course of man’s inhumanity to man at Auschwitz,
These brave souls persevered.
Not only did they persevere, but they rebelled through their art.
This art is priceless.
A prisoner of war’s sketches at Auschwitz has just as much meaning as a DaVinci or a Van Gogh painting.

Their art is so much more than just wood and paper.
This art is a subtle fight for justice.
It is the light at the end of the tunnel.
This art is hope!

1 comment:

  1. Maria, I love your line, "This art is a subtle fight for justice." It was a defiant statement that these were humans, not beasts, despite the way they were treated.
